The fastest and most effective TMR mixer on the market. The V-Mix can cut and mix a wide variety of products including large round bales, square, baleage or dry.
The Valmetal TMR V-Mix is versatile enough to handle any kind of recipe and was designed to accommodate any future requirements.
Valmetal Vertical mixers are featured with a wide range of options. Imagine it and we will make it
Hydraulic door, manual door, door with electric motor, rubber Extension, conveyor on right/left side, discharge conveyor on both sides ... And more !
Ultra résistant
Auger made of Abrasion Résistant Steel.
Available option on auger mixer
-A second push arm (+10 Hp )
-Addition of a “kicker” to improve the unloading
-Additional knives
Rubber extension (12”)
4 knives per auger (with reinforcement) but 3 knives for the V-Mix 250
Fully welded tub ¼’’ (6 mm) thick
Tower style planetary gear box“Weightronix” or “Digistar” 4 points Weight System
¾’’ (19mm) thick floor
Left / right / front unloading door
540 RPM PTO shaft with shear bolt (also available at 1000 RPM)
Chute with magnetTungsten carbide coated auger knives (optional)