Length: multiple of 4m
-The base of the construction is a round tube that is used as a truss and round tubes as supports.
-The pillars are rectangular tubes.
-The gutters and ridge profiles are made out of aluminium.
-The bows are made with oval tubes.
-All metal parts are zendzimir galvanized according to DIN EN 10305.3/5 - Z 275.
-The pillars and round tubes are hot dip galvanized.
9600 Strawberry
This greenhouse is an innovation both in the agricultural as horticultural world. In order to reduce the price, the greenhouse can be build in 2 different ways.
1 Trusses are placed in the first and last chapel.
2 No placing of trusses, only an extra support at the exterior of the greenhouse (see drawing)
We take into a count a load of 25kg/m². This construction can be made with fix ventilation.
For the hanging of strawberries we work with steel wire, fixed to the bow of the bearing gutter.