Care, Handling and Maintenance
Veterinary Simulator Industries Ltd. has developed this dystocia
calf model to aid in the instruction and demonstration of various
dystocia positions and remedies theieof. A great deal of research
and testing has been involved in producing the most durable
simulator with the greatest flexibility and most natural
movement. However, in order to create a product that is a close
biological mimic. VSI has employed a soft skin and articulated
skeleton that require caie and supervision in handling. The VSI
dystocia calf model should be used only for table-top
demonstration or with the compatible VSI dystocia cow model.
Tn no instance should the calf model be used with anv other
VSI provides warranty' for any manufacturer defects, but cannot
provide protection against damage caused by misuse and
unsupervised handling. The model is heavy, yet has a delicate
nature and should be treated as such, similar to a real animal.
Although a real calf may experience trauma and rough handling
during its birth, it only needs to endure this procedure one time
Your calf may experience the birthing procedure several times a
day. These simple instructions are intended to provide some
guidance and awareness that will help your VSI dystocia calf
model last for years of use in your educational environment, but
nothing super-cedes common sense and good judgment