The ViCabin is a climate chamber in which humidity, temperature and CO2 values can be set to achieve accurate and uniform growing conditions. The ViTrolley has diffused LED panels that create the ideal light spectrum, climate, and day-night rhythm for your plants. This accelerates the propagation process and helps you achieve more uniform, better-quality plants.
-Large growth area per square meter
-Highly accurate controlled environment
-Adjustable light spectrum and intensity
The ViCabin is a climate room controlled by a patented laminar flow technology. This technique forces air through the large contact surface radiators. This creates a high air velocity that can be fully controlled and allows section-controlled cooling.
The ViCabins guarantee uniform growth because the climate differences inside the cabin are controlled to a minimum. The ViCabins enable optimal conditions for your plants year-round by excluding the influence of external factors. The growing chambers protect the plants from non-ideal weather conditions, plant diseases, and light pollution. The ViCabins are highly energy-efficient with minimal energy usage. It is possible to make micro-adjustments throughout the cultivation process.