The VP-ROLLER it’s the first in the range of Vomers rear compaction rollers. These rollers, as well as the other ranges, offers a consolidated surface, free from furrows, great pieces of soil or bumps, all very typical during the preparation works.
It is a roller of clean and simple design, without carrying chassis, but that offers all the performance advantages of the superior ranges at a more affordable price.
The semi-automatic opening of the roller combines the action of a hydraulic piston with the movement of the tractor. A system of opening/closing guarantees little maintenance. It incorporates a connecting rod that helps the simultaneous opening of both lateral sides.
The distribution of the three parts guarantees that no marks will be left between them.
The different parts of the roller, to guarantee a perfect adaptation to the terrain.
The roller has been traditionally used to compact and consolidate the terrain making the seed have a good contact with the soil, and the optimal conditions for growing. Moreover, the roller allows to cover the rocks, so that it doesn’t cause problems to the seeders. However, the rollers can make much more than this, because with the right equipment they can work as surface sowers, breaking the superficial crust and leveling the furrows of previous works.
Ground cultivation with the roller
Breaking of soil blocks and levelling of the ground after previous works are two of the main tasks of the roller. If additional compaction or consolidation is needed, Vomer had three models with greater weigh by meter.