The Grassland Sublift, also referred to as a Sward Lifter, is one of the original Weaving grassland models, designed to manage soil compaction issues caused by heavy machinery and grazing livestock that can often result in waterlogging and poor-quality pasture.
The heavy-duty steel swivel legs of the Grassland Sublift are able to penetrate and lift even the hardest of soil pans and open up the root zone in stale grass leys. This alleviates soil compaction, aerates the soil and significantly improves drainage whilst leaving the soil surface virtually undisturbed, promoting earlier and more productive grass growth.
In 2022, the Weaving Grassland Sublift was subject to redesign and the new model is equipped with well thought out features, including swivel legs to allow the machine to be used in stony conditions and hydraulic working depth adjustment.
Standard Specification
Adjustable spring swivel disc coulter, narrow profile spring steel swivel legs (18mm) with shear bolt protection and wide wings, followed by a full width 460mm Ø flat packer roller that can be ballasted. Cat III linkage mounting, overall width 2.8M. Adjustable wing angle. Hydraulic working depth adjustment and hydraulically adjustable cutting discs.