1) Highly Manoeuvrable 2) Low Maintenance 3) Continuous Roller Design
4) Low Power requirement 5) 3 Bale Density Settings 6) Smaller Bale Size
7) Easier to handle 8)' Bale Ejection' System 9) 'Twine Auto-Binding' System
10) 3 Point Hitch 11)Japanese Technology
Mini round baler can pick up hay, rice straws and crumbled corn stalks and compress
them into compact bales that are easy to handle. Hay baler can pick up wheat
straw hood, bundle, cut twine automatically, can cut through the tank round the
size of the adjustment, to change after the ring when bundle of grass and density,
make bale do not come loose. Twine wrap round baler makes a 33 inch diameter
by 35 inch wide round bale. No hydraulics are required. 18+ horsepower,
2000+ pounds tractor recommended.