The proven Weiss McNair tractor mount center delivery V-Sweeper is now offered in a Low Profile Vee (LPV) for sweeping in orchards with narrow rows and bushy trees where a one way sweeper could not operate. The sweeper heads are 4 bar tine bar type..
Auger Sweeper Widths: N/A
Tine Bar Sweeper Widths: 4 Bar - 10', 12', 14'
Oil Requirements: 8 GPM
Tractor Requirements
-60 Horsepower PTO
-100 Horsepower PTO with blower
Sweeper Controls
-Electric over Hydraulic "Manual"
-Electric over Hydraulic: "Auto Mode"
Transport Width: 7-1/2"
Options: Posifloat® Brush Assembly: adds 2' - 4' additional sweeping width