Flexible liquid storage
The Flexitank is designed to store liquids: from clean water and fuels to wastewater, fire extinguishing water and liquid buffers for industrial use. It is a unique product that makes safe, durable storage of liquids possible in any location.
-Storage for large volumes of water
-Flexible system
-Easily applicable
-Available in standard volumes and client-specific sizes
-Available in remote locations
-Easy to transport due to relatively small volume and low weight
-44% Higher carrying capacity than vats, when transported in containers
-Takes up just 2% of the maximum volume when empty
Flexible liquid storage
The Wiefferink flexitank (also known as pillowbag internationally) is suitable for both temporary and permanent storage. the advantages of a flexible installation over a permanent structure makes the flexitank ideal in countries where building permits or construction materials are difficult to acquire.
The Wiefferink Flexitank can be filled and emptied via lead-throughs. The product is ideal for connection to a filter system. The Flexitank concept is used in such places as Somalia, Pakistan and South Africa in this way, mainly in locations where drinking water cannot be offered in a regular manner.