Single Band Sawmill CZ-1/WZM is a swamill created in cooperation with our long-term customers, who for meany years have been working on our basic sawmill CZ-1/ZM. CZ-1/WZM is our response to market requirements for industrial machine that would work faster and will be more efficient.
Additionaly, this product may be also equipped with a wide range of optional equipment.
Optional equipment
•bed extension 4 m long (length of cut 10,5 m)
•chain log turner
•claw log turner
•leveling roller, standard (up/down)
•leveling roller with drive (up/down & forward/backward)
•hydraulic clamp ( 3-cylinders)
•hydraulic clamp (3-cylinders) dual-column
•hydraulic scissor grip clamp
•loading arm – basic length 1,7 m
•main motor shift to 18,5 kW
•operator seat
•boards drag-back system (max. length of elements 6 m)
•band wheels shift from Ø 600 to Ø 700 mm
•sideway board drop system (3 - arms, width 2,5 m)
•loading ramp RZ/CZ-1
•low-level loading ramp (3 chain tracks)
•belt conveyor for boards collection, length 6 m
•belt conveyor for boards collection, length 1,4 m with hydraulic lift
•scissor hydraulic lift table for planks stacking
•operator’s cabin