Sorting pot plants properly calls for a lot of expertise. Uniformity is key. With the 1.5 million plants our sorting machines handle every week, we have more expertise in pot plant growing than anyone. And we want to share this expertise with our customers - in the form of custom-made sorting systems that do what they are supposed to do: sort pot plants in large numbers with maximum reliability.
The more often pot plants are sorted during growing, the more uniform the end result will be. That makes them easier to pack. And they command higher prices. WPS systems put an end to time-consuming manual work.
Flexible in use
Every business and every crop is different. So we supply both automatic and semi-automatic systems.for sorting your plants Each one can be perfectly integrated into your ultimate delivery system. And we are even flexible when it comes to transporting your plants - individually or by tray? We give you tailor-made advice based on a thorough analysis of your business process.
State-of-the-art vision technology
The most important component is the technology used for visual sorting. At WPS we use smart Vision technology. In just one millisecond, it checks every pot plant for those aspects that are crucial for your crop. The benefit? Optimum uniformity - from plant height to the number of blooms.