PLC/SCADA Solutions
Integration monitoring and Aeration Control into PLC/SCADA plant management systems
The iGRAIN “PLC Interface” is basically a software string that transfers “overview data” and control outputs for the aeration control to the PLC. This can also be achieved by the new iGRAIN “Buffer SQL Database”, that will make it possible to extract data from the iGRAIN manager software to a PLC/SCADA solution.
•The control outputs of the aeration fans and roof exhaust fans goes into the general control system from where the control (START and STOP) should be done.
•At the same time the important and processed monitoring data of the grain condition and weather condition is transferred to a SCADA SYSTEM for a display of useful overviews.
•Integrates iGRAIN System with the plant MAIN CONTROL SYSTEM, PLC/SCADA
•Transfer of all processed and intelligent data
•Reduces data to operational key information.
Technical specifications:
•Control commands can be integrated into the control and bypassed if required according to the specific procedures set-up in the grain facility.
•Communication between PLC and PC is made with LAN cable.
•A communication protocol must be made and embedded in the PLC/SCADA system.