CROP-PROTECTOR Chiller keeps crop safe at target moisture
The CROP-PROTECTOR Chiller offers a unique way to preserve stored grain, and a unique feedback sensor lance enables energy savings and improved chilling efficiency.
The CROP-PROTECTOR Chiller ensures that the crop is chilled gently, with no risk of condensation issues. It is designed to cool the crop with a minimum moisture loss to avoid shrinkage. It is equipped with a very strong fan, allowing the chilled air to pass through the grain mass at a high speed, cooling the grain uniformly and minimising large temperature differences between different layers in the storage silo. It adapts to any temperature and humidity condition in any climate zone.
- - Keeps the crop safe in many difficult circumstances (climate, infestation, etc)
- - Stalls emerging infestation of insects and fungi at an early stage
- - Avoids use of toxic fumigation
Unique iGRAIN Sensor Lance:
- - Sensor lance gives feedback to chilling control system
- - Improves control to minimise risk of wetting grain over cooling zone
- - Enables a better chilling process at lower energy consumption