Turbo Grow is a synergic formulation aimed at the improvement of gut health, performance and growth for all animal species. The new era of eliminating antibiotic growth promoters relies on smart formulas such as Turbo Grow which address multiple problems in a cost-efficient way. Turbo Grow further contains the most efficient Bentonite against Aflatoxin (mycotoxins produced by two species of Aspergillus, a fungus found especially in areas with hot and humid climate). As an integral approach, Turbo Grow is the perfect choice for a non-antibiotic growth enhancer.
*Formerly known as Turbo Tox, the global name of the product has been changed to Turbo Grow
•“Non-antibiotic” growth promoter
•Improved feed performance
•Improves weight gain, egg and meat yield
•Triggers intestinal nonspecific immune modulation
•Feed preservative against moulds, bacteria, vectors and mycotoxins
•Better litter quality
•Unique product without any carrier in it
10 kg and 25 kg craft bags