The grain impurity screen is used to clean different sizes of light impurities of materials, such as seeds, wheat, nuts, com, etc. Raw m aterials are fed into machine by elevator, light impurities and dust were sucked out through double direction of dust catcher, the left materials enter into vibration sereen, There are two layers of sieves and the first layer can separate coarse impurities (large pieces of wood, strings and straw) bigger than the grain, while the second layer car separate fine impurities (sand and broken grain) smaller than the grain. The sieves has vibration mechanism to ensure better cleaning process by adjustable angle of engine, and rubber balls inside for the self-cleaning, This product is widely used in agricultural product processing industry of various materials, and it has become the preferred choice for a grain cleaning machine, it can be applied to the assembly line to achieve the automatic work with cyclone dust removal or pulse-jet bag filter dust collector to protect working environment.
High production
Highly efficient grain cleaning
Occupied small area
Easy to adjust
Applicable to grading various materials
Minimal maintenance requirements thanks to optimized design
Flexible application possibilities via optional outlet aspirators