ZIBO Super Ridging Hiller General:
•larger volume in ridges, fewer green tubers;
•firm ridges, slower dehydration (better water management) and ridge remains intact all season;
•allows activities to be started and stopped earlier; versatile use at different times;
•can be used until leaf canopy closes Ridge will warm up faster, so potatoes develop faster;
•ridge retains shape better even in heavy rain;
•temperature rise in ridge is slower in hot summer periods, so storage quality of the potatoes is improved;
•Weeds can be dealt with in one single action soconsiderable savings on spraying costs can be achieved.
Advantages at harvest:
•Easier to top haulms thanks to consistent shape of the ridge, no problems with stones and less dragging of haulms for the discs;
•Round ridge gives less damage;
•Less damage in the lifter by large amount of soil on the first web.
ZIBO Models:
•4-row ridging hiller, incl. 2 support wheels, sub soilers, pvc sliding plates and set edging boards
•8-row ridging hiller, hydraulically retractable, incl. 4 support wheels, sub soilers, sliding plates, set edging boards