GIL chisels field cultivators

1 company | 6 products
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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CH-100 series

Width: 180 cm - 625 cm
Working depth: 0 cm - 40 cm

The ideal implement to achieve the greatest depths and to be able to work on the stubble, breaking the top layer and reaching depths of up to 40 cm. They are robust arms of 40×40 with double spring and can be of 2 or 3 rows. The working ...

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chisel field cultivator
chisel field cultivator
CHL series

Width: 168 cm - 784 cm

Specially designed for seedbed preparation which, combined with a roller and a harrow, ensures a perfect porosity and a very good compaction before seeding. In 2, 3 and 4 rows with 25×25 arms.

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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator

Width: 168 cm - 784 cm

Specially designed for seedbed preparation which, combined with a roller and a harrow, ensures a perfect porosity and a very good compaction before seeding. In 2, 3 and 4 rows with 25×25 arms.

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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHM series

Width: 182 cm - 782 cm

The best-selling and most popular of our range, this is a very versatile cultivator. With an 80×80 chassis and two arm models of 30×30 and 40×30 to choose from depending on the type of floor. It is an ideal model with ...

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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHMG series

Width: 182 cm - 713 cm

The elastomers are used instead of the classic springs of our range, for less maintenance. It has the same features as our best-selling cultichisel, the CHM model.

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mounted field cultivator
mounted field cultivator
CHMV series

Width: 1.3 m - 2.75 m

Fixed vineyard cultivator with 80×80 chassis and 30×30 arms, for work on less prepared land. Available with roller and harrow.

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