Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira Koala 550
de abate

Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 2
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 3
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 4
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 5
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 6
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 7
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 8
Cabeçote feller de tesoura para madeira - Koala 550 - MDE Machinery Ltd - de abate - imagem - 9
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para madeira, de abate


The K550 is the biggest in the Koala family. With a 20mm hardox chassis and 50mm hardox arm, the Koala 550 is no doubt the king of the Koala’s. The K550 is one of the most heavy duty tree shears you’ll come across, weighing 1600kg. This heavy chassis ensures that it is stronger, more resilient and robust than anything else in its market category. The K550 is simple to use, connect the tree shear to the excavators hammer lines and you will have full control of the tree shears powerful hydraulic ram. A key feature of the Koala Tree Shear design is the replaceable blade in the event it gets damaged in extreme use. Another important feature is the bolt on hitch allowing you to switch the Tree Shear onto other Excavators. Having the bolt on hitch also gives you the option to use the Tree Shear on other machines such as telehandlers, skid steers, and cranes.


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