- forestry harvester
- forestry forwarder
- forestry harvester with crane
- compact forestry forwarder
- rubber-tired forestry harvester
- squeeze chute
- head gate
- hydraulic squeeze chute
- mechanical squeeze chute
- mobile squeeze chute
- cattle head gate
- cattle squeeze chute
- snowplow blade
- sweeper
- harvester machine
- mulcher
- plow
- field cultivator
- rotary tiller
- rototiller
- strip-tiller
- haulm topper
- field cultivator
- row crop cultivator
- ridger
- mouldboard ridger
- folding field cultivator
- field cultivator with roller
- waterer
- fan
- screen system
- gate
- cow cubicle
- headlock
- head gate
- heifer cow cubicle
- conveyor
- log grapple
- wood splitter
- wood chipper
- vertical wood splitter
- horizontal wood splitter
- mobile conveyor
- belt conveyor
- sweeper
- mulcher
- straw blower
- bale unroller
- bedding bale unroller
- feeding bale unroller
- mounted bale unroller
- aligning sweeper
- conveyor
- bucket elevator
- silo
- grain dryer
- steel silo
- metal silo
- round silo
- screw conveyor
- field cultivator
- harrow
- fertilizer spreader
- mounted fertilizer spreader
- solid fertilizer spreader
- towed fertilizer spreader
- folding fertilizer spreader
- field cultivator with roller
- irrigation control panel
- irrigation pivot
- fixed irrigation pivot
- mobile irrigation pivot
- wheel-mounted irrigation pivot
- digital irrigation control panel
- center irrigation pivot
- drip irrigation system
- agitator
- horizontal agitator
- mobile agitator
- electrically-powered agitator
- stainless steel agitator
- side-mounted agitator
- fixed agitator
- hydraulic agitator
- filling station
- rock picker
- field cultivator
- disc harrow
- harrow
- roller
- smooth roller
- grading roller
- plug tray
- pot
- biodegradable pot
- round pot
- color pot
- square pot
- plastic pot
- black pot
- subsoiler
- field cultivator
- soil aerator
- harrow
- roller
- folding subsoiler
- subsoiler with roller
- folding field cultivator
- fan
- ventilation system
- exhaust air chimney
- screen system
- farm building fan
- ceiling fan
- axial fan
- extraction fan
- harvesting header
- header extension
- header trailer
- front loader
- corn head
- soybean harvesting header
- sunflower harvesting header
- pea harvesting header
- maturity meter
- fruit maturity meter
- non-destructive maturity meter
- portable maturity meter
- greenhouse
- control system
- light
- plastic greenhouse
- permanent greenhouse
- greenhouse with solar panel
- boiler
- greenhouse boiler
- control system
- antenna
- receiver
- steering system
- GPS control system
- GLONASS antenna
- GPS antenna
- GNSS receiver
- fan
- farm building fan
- ceiling fan
- portable fan
- mobile fan
- wall-mounted fan
- greenhouse fan
- aviary fan
- veterinary blood pressure monitor
- electronic veterinary blood pressure monitor
- portable veterinary blood pressure monitor
- automatic veterinary blood pressure monitor
- veterinary ultrasound system
- portable veterinary ultrasound system
- large animal veterinary ultrasound system
- pruning shears
- lopper
- grafting knife
- hand saw
- harvesting shears
- tree pruning hand saw
- fruit harvesting shears
- citrus harvesting shears
- mill
- towed mill
- stationary mill
- roller mill
- hammer mill
- bean mill
- mill with screw conveyor
- grain mill
- straw blower
- baler
- bale wrapper
- mixing wagon
- trailer
- manure spreader
- towed manure spreader
- towed straw blower
- flooring
- rubber flooring
- antibacterial flooring
- hygienic flooring
- non-slip flooring
- non-absorbent flooring
- floor mat
- floor panel
- disc blade
- notched disc blade
- seed drill disc blade
- harrow disc blade
- universal disc blade
- knife section
- bolt
- plow disc blade
- greenhouse
- cooler
- plastic greenhouse
- commercial production greenhouse
- greenhouse with gutter
- greenhouse with side ventilation
- fertilizer
- granular fertilizer
- fertilizer
- flower fertilizer
- granular fertilizer
- NPK fertilizer
- N fertilizer
- NK fertilizer
- fertilizer with trace elements
- urea fertilizer
- earth auger
- pump
- wood splitter
- rotary tiller
- rake
- wood chipper
- generator set
- horizontal wood splitter
- quad bike
- gasoline engine quad bike
- utility quad bike
- 4x4 quad bike
- 2WD quad bike
- quad bike with power steering
- pruning shears
- chainsaw
- vine binder
- manual pruning shears
- electric pruning shears
- bypass blade pruning shears
- electric chainsaw
- electric vine binder
- conveyor
- receiving hopper
- harvesting header
- harvester machine
- dehuller
- box tipper
- windrower
- grader
- monitoring system
- pump controller
- tank
- horizontal tank
- water tank
- vertical tank
- pressure tank
- fuel tank
- pump
- centrifugal pump
- submersible pump
- water heater
- heat-recovery water heater
- non-submersible pump
- hydraulically-operated pump
- vacuum pump
- control system
- hydraulic pump
- tractor hydraulic pump
- felling head
- harvesting head
- biomass felling head
- forest thinning felling head
- forestry machinery control system
- silo
- galvanised steel silo
- flat-bottom silo
- cone-bottom silo
- steel silo
- metal silo
- grain silo
- animal feed silo
- brooder
- valve
- electric valve
- regulating valve
- brooder with temperature control
- hot air generator
- gas valve
- poultry brooder
- calf milk cart
- feeding equipement
- manure scraper
- milking parlour
- milking robot
- milking machine
- milking cluster
- milking pulsator
- weather station
- trap
- crop trap
- insect trap
- precipitation weather station
- anemometer
- CO2 controller
- other trap
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