- forestry harvester
- forestry forwarder
- forestry harvester with crane
- rubber-tired forestry harvester
- irrigation fitting
- pump
- pressure gauge
- rigid hose
- tank
- fuel tank
- metal tank
- water pressure gauge
- calf puller
- squeeze chute
- comfort brush
- footbath
- horizontal comfort brush
- stationary comfort brush
- cows comfort brush
- spring comfort brush
- shovel bucket
- high-capacity shovel bucket
- screening shovel bucket
- standard shovel bucket
- loader shovel bucket
- excavation shovel bucket
- agricultural maintenance shovel bucket
- construction site shovel bucket
- irrigation fitting
- saddle clamp
- plastic irrigation fitting
- elbow irrigation fitting
- control system
- spraying control system
- seeder
- crop input control system
- fertilizer application control system
- manure scraper control system
- direct seed drill
- direct seed drill with fertilizer applicator
- snowplow blade
- earth auger
- log grapple
- sweeper
- grader blade
- dozer blade
- mulcher
- rotary tiller
- feed supplement
- dry feed supplement
- cattle feed supplement
- calcium feed supplement
- mineral feed supplement
- salt feed supplement
- acid feed supplement
- animal feed supplement
- cleaning station
- automatic cleaning station
- chick counter
- egg transfer system
- hatchery cleaning station
- hatching egg egg transfer system
- vaccination machine
- irrigation boom
- forklift
- tray seeder
- vacuum tray seeder
- automatic tray seeder
- greenhouse irrigation boom
- suspended irrigation boom
- needle tray seeder
- climate controller
- pig pen
- insemination stall
- gestation stall
- farrowing stall
- finishing pen
- feeder
- steel feeder
- floral plant
- perennial floral plant
- red floral plant
- white floral plant
- yellow floral plant
- pink floral plant
- orange floral plant
- climbing plants floral plant
- corn seed
- feed supplement
- powder feed supplement
- calf feed supplement
- piglet feed supplement
- poultry feed supplement
- digestion feed supplement
- dry feed supplement
- feed supplement
- feed additive
- silo
- metal silo
- round silo
- powder feed supplement
- calf feed supplement
- piglet feed supplement
- leafy vegetable seed
- fennel seed
- fruiting vegetable seed
- tomato seed
- round tomato seed
- red tomato seed
- early tomato seed
- radish seed
- flowering shrub
- fruit-bearing plant
- flower bed flowering shrub
- coniferous tree
- tree
- red flowers flowering shrub
- calf milk cart
- dispenser
- mixing wagon
- loader
- calf milk cart with mixer
- vertical mixing wagon
- horizontal mixing wagon
- self-propelled mixing wagon
- sorter
- seed counting machine
- automatic sorter
- color sorter
- seed sorter
- optical sorter
- laboratory sorter
- automatic seed counting machine
- waterer
- post driver
- fence energizer
- post
- conductor
- insulator
- gate handle
- control system
- feed supplement
- feed additive
- feeder
- plastic feeder
- feeder with drinking nipples
- powder feed supplement
- calf feed supplement
- piglet feed supplement
- field cultivator
- disc harrow
- roller
- smooth roller
- grading roller
- towed field cultivator
- folding field cultivator
- field cultivator with roller
- aquaculture net
- polyethylene aquaculture net
- nylon aquaculture net
- Dyneema® aquaculture net
- salmon aquaculture net
- anti-bird aquaculture net
- basin separation aquaculture net
- cylindrical cage aquaculture net
- fan
- climate controller
- fan controller
- air duct fan
- farm building fan
- ceiling fan
- axial fan
- extraction fan
- leaf vacuum
- mulcher
- mower
- leaf blower
- hydraulic mulcher
- flail mulcher
- mounted mower
- towed leaf vacuum
- screen system
- transport box
- plastic transport box
- transport cart
- metal transport cart
- greenhouse transport cart
- shelf transport cart
- rail-mounted transport cart
- overseeder
- slurry incorporator
- slurry tanker
- mounted slurry incorporator
- disc harrow slurry incorporator
- pressure slurry tanker
- self-propelled slurry tanker
- mounted overseeder
- tractor
- earth auger
- pump
- excavator
- counterweight
- plow
- field cultivator
- rotary tiller
- sprinkler
- irrigation fitting
- micro sprinkler
- flow meter
- mobile app
- pressure regulator
- valve
- irrigation filter
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