ACO Funki A/S
About Us
ACO FUNKI is specializing in developing and manufacturing of pen equipment for pig producers all over the world.
ACO FUNKI today is a stable company with representatives in several countries such as Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and China. Since 2004 ACO FUNKI is a part of ACO GROUP - a leading drain system manufacturer with about 4.400 employees in more than 40 countries.
In november 2014, ACO FUNKI has acquired the assets of Egebjerg International, and can now offer you even stronger product program with 2 product lines - FUNKI and EGEBJERG, that can be combined according to your needs.
ACO FUNKI is under a constant ongoing development. We aim to be the best on the market in terms of both price and quality. We permanently innovate for improvement in order to offer our customers the most modern and efficient equipment.
Our values
We understand the importance of efficiency in pig production. That's why
we only offer quality products and effective full line solutions.
High quality does not appear by itself. It is necessary to systematically check the raw materials, as well as to perform quality control and testing at all production stages.
As a part of the global concern ACO, we have the opportunity to manufacture our products at ACO’s own production facilities located in 15 countries, often even close to the end user in order to offer the most competitive price.
“Danish design, German quality, Global experience” is not just a slogan. It is the principles we work according to every single day.
A team of highly qualified specialists in Denmark works constantly on development and optimization of our products, which are subsequently produced in different parts of the world.
Our plastic slats and polymer concrete troughs are mostly produced in Germany. The production of stainless steel products is established in Czech Republic, in Ukraine – galvanized steel products.
In Denmark, at our own factory, we produce stainless steel troughs and posts for pen equipment as well as PowerLine chain for dry feeding. Electronic process control and management systems are also manufactured in Denmark as well as assembling of feeders, pen equipment and power units for dry feeding.
In the conditions of modern world globalization, we are proud to be able to produce and deliver you high-quality products - anywhere in the world.