Agricultural machinery and wearing parts factory HUDJIK
About Us
In 1982. HUDJIK blacksmith workshop was founded which was engaged in traditional way of metal processing.
Till 1992. it has grown to HUDJIK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, which is engaged in production of parts for agricultural machinery. 38 years of working experience, competence and dedication of staff are the best warranty of quality as well as the base for constant growth of the assortment and production volume.
Besides assortment of over 600 parts, since 2003. our company manufactures our own brand agricultural machinery. Our offer consists of: CULTIVATORS, TILLERS, GERMINATORS, SUBSOILERS.AND CAMBRIDGE ROLLERS. Machines are available in different sizes and options in accordance to buyer’s needs.
In order to be recognized on the market we use only the highest quality materials and apply latest technology production processes. Along computer engineering we apply laser cutting, Lorch industrial welding technology, robot welding, plastic powder magnetic painting.
For manufacturing of our products we use only first class steel plates originating from EU. For rotary elements we apply exclusively bearings from premium world class producers.
Our company possesses patent solutions and different quality certificates for the machinery we produce as well as CE standardization.
In order to maintain quality and development trends we cooperate with the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia with whom we have an Agreement of Technical Cooperation.
Our values
Our goals and business policy hasn’t changed from the beginning: to produce and develop products of highest quality in accordance to needs of our clients.
Our products can compete in reliability, endurance and performance with leading international producers. Testimonials to that are many awards received at agricultural fairs and even more, well satisfied domestic and international users of our products.
We export our machines and spare parts to Germany, Austria, Hungary and Croatia for 5 years with zero reclamations.
Our company in numbers:
20+ prizes won
1.000+ active clients
13.000+ products on stock
We are here to support you!