Group: Bioret Corp
Bioret Agri
About Us
Since 1993, Bioret Agri has been desiging and selling equipment for the well-being of dairy cows, with feeding, flooring, bedding solutions but also the thermal comfort of the animals.
The solutions provided by Bioret adress all the challenges of sustainable dairy farming.
They realistically deal with the key factors for success - heat stress reduction, amonia emission control, bedding comfort, limb and tissue safey, hoof health and even the cow's mood.
The ambitious goal target direct impovement of the cow's health, longevity, their ingestion, fertility and lactation, for immediatet impact on the dairy farm's productivity.
Bioret Agri, is part of the Bioret Corp Group which also offers solutions made from recycled materials from the industry, to players in the equine, administrative, leisure and industrial sectors.
With its 70 employees around the world: France, Germany, Canada, Poland, Taiwan, Bioret has developed internationally, while remaining very attached to the Made in France.

Our values
Innovation, eco-design and quality have always been the leitmotifs of the family business.
Bioret Agri is recognized and rewarded for its innovative solutions for animal welfare: "Solar Impulse" label for innovative products; list of the 100 outstanding innovations of the breeding during the 25 years of Innov'Space, and several awards Innov'Space, Sommet d'Or, Inel d'Or, Agrofarm Best Product Award, Prince Philip Award, Eurotier Award, etc.