Boschi Servizi Srl

About Us

Boschi Servizi SRL is proud to introduce you the most advanced and economical system to store grains. A storage system of cereals in horizontal polyethylene bags that can be easily applied to every kind of reality holding down both investments and operating costs. This new system is based upon the really simple principle of storing grain in hermetic plastic bags where the respiratory process of the biotic components of the bulk (grain, fungi, insects, etc.) consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. This new atmosphere, rich in CO2 and poor in O2, suppresses, deactivates, or reduces not only the reproduction and/or development capacity of insects and fungi but also the grain’s own activity thus facilitating its preservation.

The use of silobags avoiding conventional concrete or metallic silos finally solves at the same time logistical, technical and economical problems of the traditional cereals storage.

The main advantages customers find using plastic bags to store dry grains are lower cost and lower investment. The trading cost of grain during the harvesting season is higher than the rest of the year. Researches show that, by storing grain in bags, instead of sending it to a storage facility, during a three- or four-month period, farmers save 20%-25% in the case of wheat, 30%-35% for maize, and 20%-25% in the case of soybean, depending on the distance to a port, marketing system, etc. Besides these financial advantages, plastic bags facilitate storing differentiated grain by separating it by quality, by variety, etc. relatively easily, and they are highly efficient in keeping the material differentiated. Moreover, plastic bags allow storing the grain in the field itself, turning harvesting more dynamic. During harvesting, grain transport and reception at storage facilities are actual bottlenecks. Trucks are never enough during the harvesting season, and this increases freight costs and logistics problems for agribusinesses. The effects of the delay in receiving the grain at a storage facility are frequently felt back at the harvest itself. Not only producers benefit from the use of plastic bags. Storage facilities find in bags a flexible system that increases their capacity depending on their storage needs in a given year. In a good harvest season, they may put in bags some of the grain received without investing much. On the contrary, if the harvest is less than expected, storage facilities are not left unused, thus maximizing their use.

Our values

The main advantages of using the plastic bags storage system are:

Minimum initial investment
Unlimited storage capacity
No maintenance cost
Very low cost per tonne of stored grain
Easy grain sampling
No loss of grain weight
Total flexibility in storage quantities subdivision
Very easy traceability of lots
No wastage of grain during product handling
Perfect for storing organic commodities
Extremely fast filling and extracting
Ideal for agricultural companies, farming groups and contractors
Grain retains its color and quality
No building permission necessary
Ideal for the setting up or expansion of storage centers
No chemical treatment necessary
Possibility to store grains with higher moisture content (2 to 3% higher) during cold seasons.
Enables trade speculation at a very low cost

The leading position in Europe of Boschi Servizi was reached through its deep knowledge and its long time experience acquired using this system. The co-operation with the major world producers of bags and machineries allows Boschi Servizi to offer the best solution to every customer.