About Us

CaBa Industrie Srl is based in Faenza (ITALY) and manufactures agricultural equipment, specifically for orchards and vineyards. The company was founded with the intention of creating a group of brands able to provide the agricultural market with a wide range of high-quality machines and equipment, using exclusively European components and making the interchange of know-hows and technologies between the different product lines true.

At the moment CaBa Industrie produces and sells following brands:

Lotti – agricultural machineries for inter-row works and leaf canopy management in orchards and vineyards.

Vicar – sprayers with a revolutionary turbine system.

SpecialCavi – any kind of flexible transmissions for every usage.

Our values

The pillars of CaBa Industrie’s vision are the resources’ optimisation as well as the environmental sustainability. Setting off from that, the company invests in researching new technologies able to combine efficiency and environmental safeguard, giving value to energies and the resources of the local region in which it is part of.