Who we are

Dear Fruit Growers,

We are glad to introduce you Darwin Harvesting Group Conveyor Belts Harvesting Machines which will make you Professional. With our machines , your fruit harvests will be much professional, easy, clean, high quality, low risk and low cost. In other words, I would like to introduce you to the most logical investment in the world with our leading company Darwin.

Our Darwin company, which set out innovative solutions 20 years ago with the motto “We can do it”, is here with our machines that will give a new vision in your fruit harvests! Our team with international high experience will never leave you alone.

With high vision, our fruit harvesting machines, which are located in more than 30 countries in the world, in hundreds of orchards, with over 1000 machines, continue to work non-stop with the trust and service we provide to our customers.

These high-tech machines that we “Designed in the Orchard” were produced to support you in many issues that have been a burden to you for years.

So what kind of conveniences do we provide?

- Your profit increases: Your profit will increase thanks to your low-cost and higher quality fruit harvest.

- Much less workers: With Darwin's innovative harvesting machines, you can harvest with 6 workers instead of 11-12 workers.

- Much less risk: Working with fewer workers and filling the fruits through the belts in our machine reduces risks,

- Quality fruits: Your fruits are harvested with much higher quality due to the decrease in human contact with the fruits and filling via belts.

- Time saving: Our machine allows you to have a planned system, which is time saving.

- Low costs: The decrease in your labor costs provides a more comfortable work opportunity.

Contact us immediately to introduce this technology to your orchards, let our professional team provide you with the necessary information with the appropriate machine and planning.

Next Season will be different for you!


Our values

Knowledge of the practical use of Tecnofruit, agronomic experience, all-encompassing technical skills and passion for the work are the most important characteristics which have always been well appreciated from our Partners and have allowed Mr. Moreno and Mr. Scharrer to be a point of reference on the market thanks to their reliability and professionalism.