Global Peat

Who we are

“Glo­bal Pe­at” Ltd. is en­terp­ri­se that de­als with pe­at ext­rac­ti­on and tra­de. The he­ad­qu­ar­ters of the com­pa­ny is lo­ca­ted in Ri­ga (Lat­via). Most ac­ti­ve pe­at ext­rac­ti­on is do­ne in Lat­via and Rus­sia whe­re “Glo­bal pe­at” Ltd. to­get­her with its con­nec­ted en­terp­ri­ses ma­na­ges two bogs in east of the Lat­via and two in Pskov re­gi­on – ne­ar the Lat­via bor­der. The to­tal area of mars­hes is 993 ha and pe­at re­ser­ves are aro­und 12 mil­li­on tons. Now pe­at ext­rac­ti­on is con­duc­ted at 300 ha.

Our values

Upon cli­ent's de­sire pe­at can be gra­nula­ted me­chani­cal­ly, de­selec­ted in frac­ti­ons and pac­ked. Ava­ilab­le gra­nula­ted frac­ti­ons of cut pe­at – fr.0-10mm, fr.0-20mm, fr.0-40mm, fr.20-40, as well as ot­her fac­ti­ons. Frac­ti­ona­ted cut pe­at is trans­por­ted in Big Ba­les on pal­lets.