About Us

Ivega - Dotex S.A. developes, produces and supplies poultry equipment for your farm to achieve the maximum production yield of your poultry business

Our Mission is to innovate and produce systems to feed a hungry world.
Norman Borlaug, a Nobel Laureate and father of the Green Revolution, has concluded that the world will have to produce more food in the next 50 years than it has in the last 10,000.

Actually IVEGA-DOTEX S.A. dedicates to consulting, informing and partnering on poultry equipment projects.It provides a complete line of poultry production equipment around the Latin American countries and is continuously developing and adapting their products to the needs of the farmer, offering practical, economical and environmentally-friendly solutions for the poultry industry.

Our values

Responsability in the work according to good practices of manufacture for the obtaining of agricultural implements of quality demanded. Taking into account the respect of our workers and teh enviroment.

We help our clients to achieve their poultry project adapting to their needs and with a direct deal.

More innovation , adaptation to the enviroment and we are unlocking new value-creation opportunities and developing a competitive business.