About Us
We at Lucagri have given ourselves a precise mission:
be available to breeders and farmers, offering them machines, equipment and tools.
But even before all this, by offering services - basically consultancy - Lucagri is configured as a "smart utility" capable of directing choices and projects towards the smarter solutions that today the market offers.
Our values
Lucagri is experience.
Thirty years of practice - between the factory, the sales office and above all contacts with breeders from all over Italy they develop competence, knowledge and awareness. Here's what we have to offer you, as a first option. It is not a little, indeed and very much. It is not just a question of selling something today, but of establishing - when not to continue - not only commercial relationships of trust and closeness. We believe that experience is a value that must be carefully weighed and - when offered - appreciated. "If I had listened to you ...". How many times have I been told, and I am pleased that even if this is postponed it is recognized.
Lucagri is assistance.
The question that arises spontaneously to all those who have to choose a machine is: if it breaks down? For that the machines, since the world began, can also present problems and require assistance.
Assistance: magic word that means tranquility, lasting over time.
Growing up we have worked hard to guarantee this continuous presence to those who have chosen the brands represented. This is also part of our presence in the area. Lucagri wants to be a discreet presence alongside the local dealers and we want to be a reassuring certainty for those who have chosen us. Lucagri is selection. Good experience but you need the right machines and equipment, able to best meet the needs of breeders and companies. After a long time serving a single brand, it was easy to develop in-depth analysis skills. It also happens that those who have to buy a car or a vehicle do not always have clear ideas, not even about their own needs.
The commitment of recent years has been important: representing leading brands in their respective market segments in Italy means being able to offer customers high-profile solutions, aimed at companies that look to the future with development, sustainability and success criteria. Siloking for unifeed, Joskin for transport and logistics, Bobman for stables and bedding cleaning equipment.
And also:
• strawcutter, straw chopper for bedding of livestock and poultry plants
• easycut, fork for handling bales with automatic mechanism for cutting and removing containment ropes.