About Us
The Moonsyst Smart Rumen Monitoring System collects real time information from the rumen. Our system is supported by cloud based software that can be accessed on a phone and PC.
The software uses artificial intelligence to predict health and heat events related to the animal. The more information collected the more accurate predictions become, helping the farmer with livestock management 24/7.
#animalwelfare #animalhealth #smartfarming #precisionagriculture #livestockmonitoring
Our values
We are committed to help progerissive farmers to produce more and better milk and beef, reach higher cow lifespan and farm profit.
Monitoring Points
- heat detection
- rumen temperature
- health conditions
- water intake
- calving
- rumen pH*
System Features
- Plug & Play Installation
- 24/7 Rumen Monitoring
- Optimized for Phone, Tablet and PC
- Real Time Access via Cloud Computing
- 6+ Years Battery Life
- Maintenance and Hassle Free
- Can Integrate with other Farm Systems