About Us

We have been producing technology and innovation for 25 years serving poultry farmers across the whole world.

Riva Selegg has been operating in the egg-weighing and egg-grading field since 1996.

Ever since our foundation we have been manufacturing and selling mechanical egg grading machines 2.200-16.000 eggs per hour (Rivagrade S-Series) and electronic graders 6.000-20.000 (Rivagrade E-Series 4.0).

We are proudly serving small-medium poultry farms in the domestic and foreign market by exporting the all time recognized italian quality. Our passion has been unceasingly renewing throughout the years with one constant primary focus: the Customer.

Our values

Our mission is sharing the path with the poultry farmers not just by offering them products with favorable price/quality-performance ratio, but by following them up with service and consulting in their daily business for a successful partnership.

Every inquiry we receive sets in motion competence, self testing will and taking up challenges.

Every project and every installation are an opportunity to improve our wealth of qualified resources.

Every product is conceived and developed to simplify the daily job and ease productivity in the meantime.

Every customer can count on a vast range of specific egg treatment supports thanks to important partnerships we acquired in the course of our business.