Who we are

Our company has 30 years of experience in the agricultural machinery sector, offering quality and efficient solutions for our customers. As representatives of renowned brands such as AMB ROUSSET®, Feucht Obsttechnik® INFACO® and THE CLIMATE BOX®, we guarantee innovative and high performance products for the agricultural industry. We are committed to providing excellent service and expert advice to each of our customers, with the aim of meeting their needs and contributing to the success of their agricultural projects. Rely on our experience and professionalism to optimise your agricultural processes and maximise your productivity.
We have a team of experts in various technological areas.

This allows us to offer products and services at the forefront of technology, which adapt to the needs and requirements of each project.
In addition, we are constantly researching and updating ourselves in order to keep up with technological advances and offer the best solutions to our customers.
One example is the manufacture of the SIS®, a tool built as a result of 30 years of R&D studies and development.

The SIS system is an innovative technology that helps to combat crop-damaging frost. This practice contributes to mitigating the effects of climate change and promotes the sustainability of agricultural production systems.
Another example is frost risk studies, which are essential to understand, take the necessary measures and minimise the damage caused by extreme weather events. By identifying the most vulnerable areas and implementing protective measures, farmers can reduce economic losses and optimise production.

On the other hand, the monitoring of COLD HOURS is a key tool for crop planning and management, especially in regions where the lack of COLD HOURS can affect plant production. This monitoring makes it possible to optimise the application of techniques to compensate and guarantee the success of the harvest.
Ultimately, these technological solutions are essential to adapt the agricultural sector to the challenges of climate change and to secure investments.

Our values

SATGarden's company values are transparency, honesty, quality, innovation, social responsibility and commitment to the customer. These values guide all of the company's actions and decisions, ensuring that exceptional service is provided and long-lasting customer relationships are maintained. The company strives to exceed customer expectations and ensure customer satisfaction at all times.