Vredo Dodewaard bv
About Us
The beginnings of the company go back to 1947. At that time Mr. B de Vree, a farmer’s son, started an agricultural contractors business. The activities were diverse and machines where often adapted to the specific demands of the heavy clay soils of the local area. The adaption of existing machinery changed, in the course of time, slowly into the development of new machines. The agricultural contracting business changed therefore more and more into an engineering company and later into a fully-fledged factory.
In 1976 de Vree introduced a completely self-developed machine, it was the Vredo Overseeder. At the end of the 80’s the same double disc principal was used for the development of the unique Vredo Slurry Injectors.
In 1989 Vredo mounted a slurry tank on top of a Horsch three wheel self-propelled flotation vehicle. This was Vredo’s first foray into working with self-propelled vehicles. Since 1994, Vredo produces and engineres the self-propelled vehicles entirely in-house.
As a family business, it is our mission, based on our Christian standards and values, as a reliable partner with respect for our environment, to develop, produce and market innovative and functional quality products that contribute to sustainable and responsible solutions in international slurry and sowing technology.
The Vredo vision is structured and specified in five focus points:
1) For our staff, Vredo should be a pleasant and safe working environment where people are inspired to bring out the best in themselves.
2) Our product range should be a varied and wide range of slurry and sowing technology that meets the wishes of the end user.
3) We are part of a successful network of customers, dealers and suppliers to create continuous added value together.
4) We want to make a difference in society by doing business responsibly and contributing to a sustainable world.
5) In order to guarantee continuity, profit must be in balance, with respect for each other and our environment, by investing in an efficient, professional and flexible organization that can respond effectively to new developments.
Our values
Turf guard of the overseeder protects the turf, by keeping it into place while the discs make a small cut in the soil
Double V-shaped discs which make a little cut in the soil.
Seed is places in between the discs, in the cut.
The soil springs back itself & the slit is closed by the compaction roller.
Optimal situation for germination: The seed is in contact with the soil and gets the optimum amount of light and air.
The seed is protected against weather influences such as frost and birds.
The combination of Double Discs and the spring and turf guard ensures an optimal seeding depth which means the most efficient usage of expensive seed.
Low wheel pressure.
Optimum weight distribution.
4 or 6 wheel drive, four wheel steering and crab steering.
Ideal self-propelled slurry tank combination.
Ergonomic workstation.
Best flow with very low resistance.
Low drive power.
Pumping action.
Contact-free slicing allowing minimal wear.