WASSERBAUER GmbH Fütterungssysteme

About Us

Wasserbauer as a family owned company is one of the most innovative manufactureres for feeding automatization in Europe.

With more than 40 years of experience Wasserbauer can provide various versatile solutions tailormade for almost any farm.

Major products are

Butler Gold Pro Feepusher

Flypit 2 in 1 Bedding & Feeding Robot

Shuttle Eco Fully autonomous Feeding Robot

Power Shuttle Rail guided Feeding Robot

Lift autonomous feed extraction machine from silos

Cabrio automatic silo cover system

Our values


Today’s farmers require a solid base of specialist knowledge and great flexibility.

Those who get involved with new solutions can react better to future changes in the market. Join us in thinking one step ahead


Automation is an important part of modern farm management. Our automatic feeding systems increase your competitiveness and make the career of a farmer even more attractive – for you and for the next generation.


Our feeding systems are constantly undergoing further development. But over the years, one thing has always stayed the same: our trustworthiness and our personal customer service. With our many years of experience and our expertise, we at Wasserbauer are there for you. You can count on it.